email or call 1300 858 117 to talk to a friendly consultant
We want you to think of us as an IT team "on tap". We've designed all aspects of our services to be easy to use. Whether it's logging a request or reporting a fault, your team will have access to the expertise they need literally at their fingertips.
Worried about using too much time? No problem. You can control who is authorised to send a request to us, and how much time we can work on that request before we need to get authorisation for additional time. We can send you usage reports as often as you like, and all time invoiced is associated with a logged request.

Best practice support suite
We use the best tools on the market to manage your support experience. Since we're expert integrators, we've neatly tied all of these great tools together into a seamless support package. As soon as you need us, your request is routed to the right person, right away. Every interaction we have with you is documented and stored, allowing us to learn and grow with you. Our experience supporting your organisation stays with us, and more importantly, with you.

Our philosophy
We believe support is more than just supplying a technician on the other end of the phone.
One thing we've come to know after our years of experience, is that our clients want people who know their business, not just the technology they use.
Our staff are well drilled in documenting everything we learn about your environment. We prefer to allocate support consultants to regular clients where possible, but our documentation standards mean any consultant will be able to connect to your system and resolve the issues you're encountering.